legal – expert guidance


MWA is often heavily involved in the conceptual design stage of development to provide information about what type of environmental constraints may occur. This arms our clients with a greater knowledge of the project being undertaken. In turn, this knowledge enables our clients to access cost efficient options and evaluate long term directions to use these constraints to their advantage or minimise their impact.

MWA’s input then provides a basis for the subsequent detailed analysis and reporting necessary to take the development through to the approvals process.

MWA provides expert witness services to appeals in the Planning and Environment Court, Supreme Court and Land Court.

environmental assessment

Being a multi-disciplinary consultancy of environmental engineers and scientists, MWA has a recognised in-house capability to undertake environmental impact assessments for a wide range of urban, infrastructural, resort, industrial, aquaculture and rural development proposals.

environmental management

MWA is increasingly involved in the preparation of detailed environmental management plans for new and expanding developments. MWA has the in-house capability to provide assistance for developments in industrial, commercial, urban, rural and natural areas.


MWA staff have significant experience is assessing the impacts of development lighting upon the surrounding environment and adjacent land users. Field studies using light measuring equipment are regularly undertaken for both development and industrial clients.